So, you want to make leather armor, huh?
This is a work in progress meant to be a fun way to visualize a journey from starting with no leather craft tools at all – all the way up to equipping a production environment. Using the affiliate links here will support future content.
Your Relationship to Leather-Working:
- I’m broke – Don’t hurt me!
- Beginner – I’m looking for the most simple and affordable versions of tools!
- Intermediate – I’ve got a couple of tools, what else is out there?
- Advanced – I want to take my crafting to the next level!
- Master – I do this for a living, but always looking for the next time saver!
- Production– I’ve been in business a while and ready to scale up!
- Big Leagues – I’m on a first name basis with my suppliers!
- Shop Bling – I am the embodiment of ‘extra’ and need my tools to sparkle!

I’m Broke – Don’t Hurt Me!
So you’re broke as a joke but still want to start some how, right? Alright, I like the cut of your jib, kiddo. Do you really want to know?
The only item on this list is going to be vegetable tanned leather, but your budget is negative zero right? You’re not making this easy on me… Alright so how do you get leather if you’re broke? The easiest way is to not be broke and just go buy something on sale.
You tried that? Alright… Next plan. Operation beg and borrow. If you’re starting this craft it can be really helpful to find out who in your area is crafting leather. Check your local flea markets, search google, and try to reach out to people who are already crafting and see if there’s something you can do to help them in exchange for getting some scrap leather so you can start experimenting.
What about cutting? Just go to your next door neighbor’s garage sale, look for the grey box knife covered in paint and rust, you know the one, and ask them how much. They will give you $1 to take it away. Easy.
So how do you decorate the leather with no budget? Did you try throwing rocks at it? I mean, if you look at it in a certain light that’s a proper distressing effect worth big bucks! What else? Lines are good, lets think of some way to add line impressions. First find a design online and print it or draw something on the leather, we’re about to do some tooling. Go grab a flat tipped screwdriver (shut up, yes you do have a flat tipped screwdriver, go get it) blunt the corners a little bit with some sand paper and play with striking the screwdriver along the lines. Just tap one bit of line at a time and try to control your consistency.
Ok, back up, we need something to strike with, go grab a hammer from that DIY kit you bought for that thing you never did. If you don’t even have that, you can reach out to a human being on planet Earth, all such creatures have a common hammer and many would be willing to take pity upon a hammerless wretch and loan them one of the 17 they have in their garage. If that’s not even an option go get a damn stick about wrist thickness and smack your tools with that.
Lets skip dye… you can’t afford 2$ for dye yet. I mean, I guess you could break into a day care center and steal some magic markers or something though… Never mind, lets skip the finish too, we can be fancy when we’re rolling in riches.
What about assembly? Assembly on your first project? I knew I liked you. Thread is about as cheap as it gets. And rivets really aren’t expensive, we’re talking about pennies to make a small project.
You’re well on your way now! The end result is going to be so awful, but the great news is that it should sell for thousands as abstract art! Congratulations!
The point of this bizarre hypothetical exchange is to emphasize if you’re serious about trying the craft it doesn’t have to be expensive.
Beginner – Affordable Starter Tools:
I’ll try to lay out some options for you to consider at the early stages. Some items will not be dirt cheap, but will offer such a good value to the crafting experience they will be added to this first tier. Just remember that there are always alternative ways of doing things if you can’t afford the ‘proper’ tool for the job.
These are some of the important and affordable things you should acquire early on.
Obviously, to make leather armor first you need leather. But that will have a separate guide.
This page is a work in progress!
First thing you need is something to cut the leather. Many start out with any sort of box knife or utility knife with replaceable blades. This example is not the cheapest option (a utility knife for just a few bucks will work fine) but it does come with an OLFA blade which I believe is well worth it.
Many armor parts will be constructed with rivets, so you need something to punch holes into the leather.
Poly Cutting Board
You can get by using scrap leather at first, but this is a good early investment to make
Most leather-working tasks call for sturdy surface. The cheapest way is to find something like a sink cutaway from a granite kitchen install, people will often give those away for free. They won’t last forever but they’ll serve your getting started needs just fine. When you’re ready to graduate from that I suggest this.
More Coming Soon!
Intermediate – I’ve got a couple of tools now, what else is out there?
You’ve got the basics, so now you can start looking at tools that will come in handy or provide a better working experience as well as increasing your capabilities as a leather worker.
Machinist(ish) Block – A good early investment you might consider instead of a 12×12 tooling slab is a machinist style block like this which is thicker and wider. It’s a bit more expensive but if you have the space for it and can set it up (its very heavy) this is a very excellent value and will automatically improve your tooling game with its extra density and reduced bounce. But if you don’t have the space and need a more portable solution just stick with the smaller block.
More Coming Soon!
Advanced – I’ve got the basics, I want to take things to the next level!
By this point you’ve got everything you actually -need- to be effective with your craft… but what about efficient? And how durable? That’s where ponying up for something a little nicer can pay dividends.
More Coming Soon!
More Coming Soon!
Master – I know my way around my tools, but ready for the next time saver!
So you’ve got a good handle on all of your leather tools. What about some tools meant for other professions that fit remarkably well with what we’re doing?
Here’s one of my favorite time saving tools. It’s a set of forming stakes meant for metalworking but it comes in handy all the time for shaping leather and setting rivets on pieces with complex and unwieldy shapes.
I’ve negotiated a coupon code with the manufacturer for you so you can save $ on your purchase if you too decide this is a must have item
Deluxe Planishing Stake Set from Pepe Tools – Save $41 (10%) with code PRINCEARMORY
Also applies to this variation.
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Production- I’ve got a team, steady customers, and ready to scale up!
Coming Soon!
Big Leagues – Let’s look at the peak potential of this business.
Coming Soon!
Shop Bling – I am the embodiment of ‘extra’ and need some extra sparkle on my tools.
Coming Soon!